Art Festival
at Charles White Park
Altadena Arts dares to dream past the current pandemic and boldly looks ahead to a brighter future when we can join together to celebrate the Arts and Artists of our community. The Arts Festival will be a day-long event where artists can show and sell their work, enjoy live performances, and see the unveiling of a Charles White in Fall 2021.
We will be providing an open submission process for interested artists and artisans to participate this festival. Click here to be added to the email list.
We are seeking local businesses and organizations, who are interested in sponsoring this event. To request a sponsorship package or have a booth at the event, click here.
¡Una nueva organización artística y cultural en Altadena!
Altadena Arts se dedica a celebrar artistas en el esp íritu de Charles White*, especialmente artistas de color, mujeres artistas y artistas con discapacidades a través de la creación, producción y presentación de obras de arte pública y programas de arte educativas que son accesibles e inclusivas en Charles White Park y por toda la comunidad de Altadena.
*Los Archivos de Charles White no están afiliados a Altadena Arts. No representa el patrimonio y / o la obra de arte creada por Charles White.